Gaia Domain Name in Gaia NetworkYour domain to Web2 & Web3 and a living knowledge system of AI
A popular
Gaia Domain Name
Makes your Gaia AI Agent different
Unique Identity
Gaia Domain Serves as a unique commercial name in Gaia Network to identify the scope of AI service on the domain.
Web2 Domain
Gaia Domain can be used to access a business or personal AI service website on Internet. IE. your digital twin or customer support.
Web3 Address
Gaia Domain represents a Web3 wallet address, in a human-readable format.
Gaia Node Cluster Point
Gaia Nodes will need to connect to a Gaia Domain to be able to participate in Gaia Network.
User Traffic Hub
Gaia Domain will become the traffic routing hub for a cluster of nodes. Good name = Good traction.
Network & Staking Reward
Gaia Domain Owner (Domain Operator) will be rewarded with Gaia token and determining the rewards of node under it.
Whitelists with initial Activation Code will have access to make GNS purchase.
Get your whitelist today.

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